Molecular biology
The gene cloning service of AbClon maximizes protein expression efficiency through differentiated gene synthesis and
cloning design based on many years of antigen and antibody development know-how. If you tell us the amino acid
sequence and the purpose of gene synthesis, we will insert the synthesized gene into over 150 expression vectors of
Genscript. Genscript's OptimumGene ™ codon optimization technology is based on particle swarm optimization (PSO)
to find optimized gene sequences for protein expression in a variety of hosts. With over 600,000 gene synthesis projects,
we ensure 100% accuracy of gene sequences.
- · OptimumGene ™ codon optimization technology: Increased protein expression in various hosts (free)
- · Presence of various expression vectors: Cloned genes synthesized in expression vector
- · Sequence assurance: 100% guaranteed even if gene sequence is long
- · One-stop solution: From gene synthesis to vector cloning
- · Expert Group Consultation: Ensuring high quality with optimal gene synthesis
- · Easy access to antibody production: One-stop service from daisy-chick production to antibody production

OptimumGeneTM Codon Optimization
- Using OptimumGene algorithm
- Up to 100-fold increase in protein expression level
- Multiple data retention for optimization of all hosts
Vector List
ORF cDNA Clone Service
The GenEZ TM ORF cDNA clone eliminates the cloning hassles. The ORF cDNA clone contains a Tag for protein detection and purification and is provided with the gene for the target protein inserted so that it can be directly experimented for expression. The ORF cDNA database contains more than 2 million cDNA clones and the ORF cDNA clone has been 100% sequence guarantee.
GenEZTM ORF clone
- largest ORF database in the world
- · > 2 million ORF’s from 186 species
- · > 40,000 ORF’s in -stock
- · Various expression vectors: cloning vector to expression vector without additional purchase
- · Sequence guarantee: 100% sequence-free (mutation-free)
Cloning Service
Regardless of template, target gene is cloned into desired vector.